It is with very heavy hearts that we share the passing earlier this week of our beloved llama, Bucky.
Bucky was Mr. Personality and had to be in the middle of everything. He was always ready to give kisses and loved receiving as much attention as possible. The volunteers enjoyed taking him on walks and spending time with him as he "helped" with barn chores.
We will miss his goofy expressions (yes, llamas really do express themselves), antics and the love he shared with everyone.
When you take on the responsibility of owning animal it is a lifetime commitment. Preparing for when they get old and infirm is part of that commitment; it is up to us to stay with them and ensure their last years are as good as can be.
Saying goodbye is never easy. Bucky lived a very long, good life and let us know when his time with us was coming to an end.
Our sincere thanks to Dr. Heather Davis, Teri, Jim and Mason Allen for being here as Bucky, surrounded by love, left us for peaceful pastures.